Oh, how I HOWLED!
Your animation is so good, your humour is on point, and I am so glad that I sat down to watch this.
What do you use to animate?
Oh, how I HOWLED!
Your animation is so good, your humour is on point, and I am so glad that I sat down to watch this.
What do you use to animate?
Cheers! All animated in ToonBoom Harmony. Partly done as a project to teach myself how to use it. So glad you enjoyed!
If Jojovill lost to anything, I'm glad it's this.
Haha. I know I'm a bit late here but on the same day your animation acheived front page, Jojovill episode five was Daily Second. Not that I think it's the greatest animation around but I was curious to see what it lost to. Let me just be first to say... I'm glad it was you and your very inspiring animation that it lost to.
The transitions were amazing. The whole thing was planned beautifully. And while the lighting could've been better in some places, you still did really, really well!
Here's a shout-out from a voice actor who hath seen many-a animation... but quite possibly, none quite as intriguing.
Take care! And keep it up!
- Tinker Jet
Wow. That was a very thoughtful, very kind review. Thank you very much for your advice - I did the best I could with house lights, windows, and cardboard, but I'll try to get some more lighting experience before my next film (my next one that incorporates live action, that is). Anyways, I really appreciate that you both liked my movie and took the time to tell me so. Thanks!
Nice... Very nice!
Not as good as the last episode but voice actors seem to be getting more in character so that's a good sign. Though, P3RFECT, honey, you seemed a bit emotion-confused at times. XD Be careful with that.
Other than that, I swear, I'll say it again, Ryker's voices for the win. XD Too perfect are the choices you made for Ryker.
I can't wait to see episode ten onward dubbed and more animated episode pieces on Lifepoint1. Who knows? I might even join the Lifepoint1 bit eventually... But for now, I'm just humoured from where I stand with the characters I currently voice even if I don't reappear that often.
You animate a lot better than I do... not that, that's saying much but you have some real talent. Put in the time and don't let people make you feel rushed. Once everything is detailed and animated nicely, it'll look exquisite. Be sure to hang onto the original .FLAs though incase eventually you might want to edit the lip syncing or otherwise.
Music for some of the past episodes as well as sound effects had a habit of being so much louder that they'd overpower the voice actors. It looks like you now have that under control. They actually sound a bit more on par and you can understand what everyone is saying.
That's really all I have to say. Well done. Keep 'em coming!
Very nice animation style!
That's a very nice animation style... very animesque...
I can't wait to see episodes -- don't let the animation get lazy... and maybe give me a few pointers eventually. ;)
You're getting better!
Haha... I've already watched the unvoiced episodes back on LifePoint1. You really DO improve every episode.
As for this episode, with the new Voicing Director, it seems things are really falling into place. I'm not too fond of the new Chalondra (just because she sounds a bit muffled... might just be an issue of quality) but the best part of the whole episode was hearing Ryker for the first time. XD Ryker's voices for the win!
Anyways, keep up the good work and if you need another Voice Director, you know where to find me. =P (Yes, I finally joined NewGrounds!)
I voiced in quite a few Flash projects back in the day. Currently, I'm developing a kinetic visual novel called Toad Trails, so feel free to check it out! :)
Age 35, Female
Voice Actress/Writer
Joined on 11/12/07